Holiday Party

Holiday Party
The chemistry of creativity in the flesh

Top Ten Explanations for the newly established Lines on Mars

Thanks Greg for giving my mind something to race about...

10.The trenches are where the blocks came from to build the pyramids in Egypt.
9.Our George Jetson understanding of how spacecrafts land is immature. They need a very big runway.
8.Like Germans, the Martians are great brewmeisters. They did not want aliens to steal their Martian water that they use to make their beer - so they had to cover the trenches every night. Lowell caught them in the act.
7.The Martians were busy building roads around Mars, but then the labor unions when on strike because of the 600 MPH working conditions.
6.The Governor of Mars got caught in a sex scandal telling his staff he was in Argentina, when really he was on hiking in Appalachia with his girlfriend.
5.The Martins flying saucers don't emit enough green house gases so the water froze at the top, making the canals worthless.
4.The Martians had a global economic crisis so the government stepped in with emergency measures for more people to stand at the construction site. Ultimately business was toppled and they no longer needed roads.
3.The Martins started importing fuel-efficient hybrids from Jupiter and they realized that they were living on a rock and left.
2.The former President of Mars miscalculated that Plutoians had Weapons of Mass destruction.
1.The current President of Mars is for change so he got the Government involved to go after the evil Flying UFO insurance industry, at which point nobody could afford UFOs.

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